About Me
Dr. Mackenzie Champ
Naturopathic Physician & Acupuncturist
I’ve been a practitioner of natural medicine since obtaining my massage license in 2007. After becoming a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I moved back to my home town to start a practice. From 2013 through early 2021, I owned a clinic in Nehalem, Oregon with a focus on both acupuncture and naturopathic primary care medicine.  While I loved many aspects of being a primary care physician, I decided I was no longer willing to work with insurance companies due to the continual increase in demands. Instead, I have shifted to a simpler practice that encourages me to live closer to what I consider ideal. More time spent in nature and traveling. This allows me to serve from a place of being full and ready to meet you exactly where you're at. The beauty of virtual appointments is they give us the ability to connect in your own intimate setting while granting me the freedom of being anywhere in the world.