Payment Questions
When are payments due?
All payments are due in full when you book the appointment. If you would prefer to pay with a check or cash, please contact me and we can set that up. All fees are listed on the Book Online web page.
Does Dr. Champ take insurance or motor vehicle accident claims?
I no longer directly bill insurance companies and I am considered an out of network provider. The one exception to this is motor vehicle accident claims. Please reach out directly through the contact page if you would like treatment for a car accident.
Most insurance companies will allow members to submit claims if a provider is unwilling to directly bill. Often, your insurance company can walk you through the process of how to do this and what you need from the physician. You are more than welcome to go this route if you would like treatment from me but this requires payment upfront then your insurance reimburses you later.
Can I use an HSA or FSA account?
Yes, both are great options and can be applied to any of my services.
Do I offer discounted rates?
I do not currently offer any discounted rates for my naturopathic or acute care services. See the acupuncture page for info on the plus one add on.